Kyle T. Eaton
Executive Search Consultant
W 847.550.1300 x16
C 360.703.1372
“We view employees like health. It’s hard work to keep it in top shape, but without it you have nothing else. WorldBridge Partners is your personal trainer.”
Kyle Eaton joined WorldBridge Partners Chicago NW in 2022. Prior to becoming an Executive Recruiter, Kyle served 13 years in the Marine Corps. He enlisted in 2009 as an Infantryman serving two deployments with Golf Company 2nd Battalion 5th Marine Regiment. He later received his commission and served 6 more years as an Air Traffic Control Officer and has lived in nearly every region of the country. While Kyle regularly places candidates in a variety of markets, he was hired by WorldBridge Partners to help spearhead their push into the booming Cybersecurity industry, specifically targeting companies and professionals in the defense industry. Kyle will leverage his diverse background, dedication to excellence and industry knowledge to meet client and candidate needs.
We are proud of “The WorldBridge Way”, a 26-year proven & rigorous search methodology that produces top talent, resulting in successful and high-performing companies.
Key executive management positions we place:
- CEO’s & Presidents
- CIO / CTO / CISO / Cybersecurity including VP’s, Directors & Managers.
- Chief Sales & Marketing Officers (including strategic sales roles)
- COO & VP Manufacturing
- VP Engineering & Quality
- CFO/ VP Finance & Accounting
Kyle is a graduate of University of Texas at San Antonio.