Tips for Clients: Tips for Conducting Performance Reviews
It’s nearly time for you to review the performance of individuals on your team. Here’s a simple checklist to help you get through the fundamentals of a successful review meeting.
Leading up to the meeting
- Always announce the review in advance (one to two weeks) to allow for preparation got both parties.
- Agree on a specific time, place, and specific topics for discussion. Find a suitable place for the review where you will not be disturbed.
- Prior to the review, ensure that both sides have taken time for thorough preparation. Encourage employees to bring up items for discussion to add to the agenda, so that the areas they wish to focus on are covered in the meeting.
What to cover in the meeting
- An assessment of the employee’s achievement againstpreviously set goals
- Praise for goal achievement
- Identify the need(s) for improvement through training, coaching, supervision and ongoing professional development
- Establish new and agreed goals, as well as methods for achieving them
- Ensure that unsatisfactory performance is identified in apositivenon-threatening way, and a solution(action items) areagreed upon
- Make surethat employees are fully engagedin the discussion and have the chance to express all the points they wish to make
- Ensure that employees can see how new objection, if completedmade can be of benefit to them, summarize the conclusions of the review in writing